Yaiza Dominguez


Yaiza is a N.J. based artist from Spain. She has a BFA/MFA from the University of Barcelona. Her work focusses on portraiture and maternity.


Painting and drawing allows me to stretch an instant into hours. Some of these pieces took more than twenty hours of work to complete. I got to relish one moment for hours and take it all in, even details that passed unregistered initially. The Transformation part is related to the deep changes that motherhood  involves, and that continue to reshape the mother’s world and the artist’s perspective and approach to their practice. With this work, I hope to transmit some of my personal experience as well as the intimacy of these tender moments.

Overall I believe my work will speak to all parents, it is a universal feeling that time passes too fast when you have children and the feeling of wanting to stop time to be able to hold them just for a little bit longer. I always think about the experience of being a parent as a continuous joy and grief. The joy of seeing them grown up and getting to know their amazing personalities is sometimes a bit of a grief, missing their previous version at the same time that you love the new one.  


If you have any inquires please ill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!